Tuesday 21 June 2011

Earlier this month the Australian government released draft law that promises to be a landmark in global fight against tobacco. If passed, from January 2012 cigarettes and hand-rolling tobacco will have to be sold in plain, unappealing olive-brown packs plastered with large, graphic health warnings. The only thing distinguishing one brand from another will be the name written in a standard font on the top, bottom and front of the pack, below the health warning. This is a world first.
The legislation also proposes that cigarettes themselves should be completely plain. That means no branding, no coloured or flavoured papers, no gold-banded filters and no different gauges like slimline and mini cigarettes.


  1. will that prevent addicts from smoking. Tobacco companies my suffer since with the new Australian law most of the will close up. A law that completely bands the use of tobacco is what is necessary.

  2. Why should tobacco sales be banned Kingsley? If we have to ban tobacco because it is a drug, then lots of other necessary drugs will be banned as well.

    It the issue with drugs is the usage. Smokers are to be responsible in their use of it.

  3. companies shall suffer because we all know the role of a trademark on a cigarette packet,Malboro sells today bacause of the trademark,what happens if Malboro is hardly seen on a cigarette packet,will this discourage consumers,will Malboro stay in the market,we wonder about all this

  4. well elvis,as we all know,the society sees smokers as irresponsible people,either you smoke and are considered irresponsible or you don't and are considered responsible
    regardless is smoking good to our health i.e the smoker and those around the smoker,even you the 'responsible smoker' are you safe from the effects of cigarettes because you smoke renponsibly?
    true companies will suffer,but which is most important,companies suffering? or saving the lifes of individuals by trying to prevent them from smoking

  5. I beg to differ with Counsel and Kingsley Ake.

    - Does the law have to ban everything it considers dangerous to health?
    - Are these health issues caused by the product or abusive usage?

    It is after such deliberations drugs like Caffeine, Nicotine, Ephedrine, Mephedrone just to name a few.
    A legal drug is not necessarily safe or non-addictive. Drugs that are both legal and freely available (such as alcohol and nicotine) are among the most often abused. Even prescription drugs at prescribed doses can be addictive, can have dangerous side effects and can cause drug interactions.

    So wrong usage goes with addiction and not the existent of the drug.

    Once more thanks for the blog.
